Most of us spend the vast majority of our day sitting. Whether you are behind a desk or in front of a computer, sitting motionless for hours on end can have significant health consequences. Sitting for a long time in the same position risks back pain or even scoliosis. It’s hard to believe that something as passive as sitting can pose such a risk, but it is true. But what if I told you that you could perform some simple exercises at your desk that would help break up the monotony of sitting all day and help improve your overall health and reduce the risk of physical ailments caused by a sedentary lifestyle?
In this article, you’ll find the five best exercises you can do while sitting at your desk and learn how you can stay healthy without leaving your desk. These exercises target the shoulders, back, hips, and legs — areas that tend to become tight and immobile due to prolonged periods of sitting.
People generally don’t feel like exercising at work. They just want to get their work done and get home. But if you want to look and feel as good as possible, you should try these five exercises.
The 5 Best Exercises You Can Do Sitting at Your Desk
If you spend most of the day sitting in front of a computer, there are plenty of exercises you can do to boost your mood, improve your health and increase your productivity.
From your legs to your abs and arms, it’s possible to work out nearly every muscle without leaving your desk.
To save you the trouble of exploring the internet for different solutions, we’ve selected the 5 best exercises that you can try right now while sitting at your desk.
Relieving Neck Tension
Before you begin the exercise, release any tension that has built up from hours sitting at the desk.
By relieving the strain on your muscles, these yoga techniques for your shoulders and neck will help you avoid headaches or shoulder pain later in the evening.
These moves, despite their simplicity, are quite effective and cause little pain.
Simply drop your chin down and roll your head first on one side and then on the other. Next, flex your shoulders in both directions, and stretch your arms. If you experience any discomfort, stop immediately.
Or, place the left hand on the right side of your face and apply gentle pressure to the jawbone about an inch in front of the earlobe. Next, gently pull the head towards the left with your right hand until you experience a stretch on the right side of the neck. Repeat on the opposite side, holding for 30 seconds.
Alternatively, you might undertake this neck-and-shoulder relaxation exercise. The process is simple: stand and attempt to reach behind with your arms, interlocking the fingers and simultaneously lifting your arms. While executing the exercise, you should feel a stretch in your shoulders and chest. Rep a few times more.

Wrist Stretches
This is an excellent workout for anyone who spends a significant amount of time typing.
To loosen your wrists, straighten one arm out in front of you with your palm down and fingers pointing away from you. Use your other hand to curl your fingers down into a loose fist and pull them back toward you as far as they’ll go. Hold for 30 seconds while breathing deeply and repeat on both sides.

Seated Leg Raises
If you do this simple cardio, you will never have to stress about missing leg day again.
Even if you’re in business meetings or on a conference call, you may practice these simple leg and abdomen exercises without anyone noticing.
And the best thing is this: You get a killer combo exercise without ever standing up since they focus on your quadriceps (front of thighs), hamstrings (back of thighs), and glutes (buttocks).
In your office chair, sit up straight. Next, raise your left leg parallel to the ground and maintain that position for ten seconds. Next, raise your right foot in the same position as your left and repeat the process.
Repeat for a total of 15 reps on both legs. After gaining strength, experiment with increasing weight to the workout by wrapping your bag or briefcase over your legs as you perform the raises.

Shadow Boxing
This workout will not only get your heart rate up and burn some calories, but it will also help you de-stress after a stressful day at work. While seated at your desk:
Raise your fists in a boxing posture in front of your face (of course, away from your computer). Switch from your right to left arm as you punch your fists forward in the air like you’re punching a punching bag.
Repeat for 30 seconds. Pause. Rep for another 30 seconds.
Work this routine into your workday at regular intervals, just like other aerobic exercises.

Chest Openers
Those who suffer from (or wish to avoid) recurring shoulder pain can benefit greatly from performing this simple and efficient stretch.
Sit up straight in your chair and place both hands behind the bottom part of your neck; round this posture slowly inward with your elbows, and keep your chin down. Then, while maintaining a raised head and gripping your shoulder blades, open up the chest and arms and repeat.
It is sufficient to perform five to ten reps as part of the routine home workout. You can do this stretch multiple times a day if you want. Make sure you’re not holding your breath to avoid becoming fatigued.

To Sum It Up…
So, if you’re like most people these days, you probably spend a lot of your day seated at a desk. But that doesn’t mean you can’t stay active and fit! Try these exercises at home or at your office. In fact, there are plenty of other exercises and stretches you can do right at your desk without leaving your chair — or even having to be seen by anyone else in the office!
Stay happy, healthy, fit, and enjoy an active life!