Virtual Reality Video Games and Alzheimer’s
Alzheimer’s disease is a brain disorder in which thinking skills and memory is lost eventually with time. The good news is, playing virtual reality video games can help people to boost their memories.

Virtual reality video games help to improve key aspects of memory in older adults.
In older adults, having the signs of Alzheimer’s disease or dementia is very common. Studies show about one in nine people above the age of 65 get Alzheimer’s disease. About two-thirds of Alzheimer’s patients are women in America.
According to new research, spending time in virtual reality while playing video games can help these patients to restore their memory loss.
Studies confirmed playing video games on a regular basis can help to change important regions of the brain which are responsible for visuospatial competence and consideration. A small amount of video game training on a daily basis provides a long-lasting impact on spatial skills improvement.
Exposing the brain to a new environment that provides novel stimuli is useful for cognition. The research was done on two groups of rodents; one group was placed into an enriched environment and another group was placed into a sparse environment.
Rodents placed in enriched, novel environments showed significant growth of nerve cells as compared to another group. From novel environments, humans can also experience these neurological benefits.
NIA-supported investigators discovered that novel environments can be delivered to patients with Alzheimer’s disease through virtual reality video games.
Playing 3D video games could help prevent Alzheimer’s disease.

Behavioral brain research found that a three-dimensional environment is more beneficial for brain activation as compared to a two-dimensional online game environment. A 3D player can create cognitive maps and become spatially aware. 3D games provide a hefty benefit for brain health.
A study conducted by the University of Montreal declared that 3D platforms for video gaming are associated with the growth of various brain parts among older adults. 3D games improve hippocampus function (grey matter) which is a vital neurological tissue responsible for learning and memory building.
Loss of the hippocampus is responsible for serious psychiatric problems such as Alzheimer’s disease. Video games are already been proven to improve the hippocampus among older adults.
In another study, scientists divided 33 individuals aged between 55-75 years old, into three groups: the 1st group did nothing, the 2nd group was asked to learn how to play the piano using computer software and the third group was asked to play a video game (Super Mario 64).
After six months, the results were declared. There was considerable loss of hippocampus in the 1st group of people who did nothing while the 2nd and 3rd group was recorded with significant growth of grey matter of the cerebellum which is associated with temporary memory and motor control.
Labyrinth-VR intervention & high fidelity long-term memory
The Alzheimer’s Association declared about 15-20% of people above 65 years old have a mild cognitive impairment, which can be treated by digital intervention. Peter Wais, PhD tested a virtual reality program as a digital intervention to treat Alzheimer’s disease in older patients.
The video game Labyrinth-VR was launched as a head-mounted virtual reality game. It helps to explore various imaginary environments and provides therapy for the rehabilitation of Alzheimer’s patients. People move in the place while navigating the VR game which is good physical exercise and also raises the flow of blood in the cerebral part of the brain. This strategy is proven helpful by the researchers for the overall development of cognitive functioning of Alzheimer’s disease patients.
Further investigation shows clear improvement in strengthening networking in the brain, high fidelity memory, long term and short term memory. Patients become able to distinguish new objects from more identical objects which are viewed before.
The Labyrinth-VR game is also played by the kids with ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder). In 2020, EndeavorRX was the first video game approved by the Food and Drug Administration.
Does gaming affect mental health?

In Scientific Reports, research published on January 28, 2021 showed virtual reality video games improved the development of mental health. Video games help to distract from suffering, emotional collapse or nervous breakdown.
Video games help people to improve decision-making skills, problem-solving approach, multi-tasking abilities, prosocial behavior, hand-to-eye coordination and physical health. Video games help people to improve their mood. Online gaming also reduces the symptoms of anxieties, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and ADHD.
Is there any cure for Alzheimer’s disease?
Currently, there is no proper cure for Alzheimer’s disease or dementia. Some medicines can temporarily control its symptoms. Ang’s team reported that virtual reality can help these patients to recollect their memories.
Can drugs cure Alzheimer’s disease?
Drugs cannot cure Alzheimer’s disease completely. Many drugs have been tested for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease or dementia but none of them has sustained benefit for the cognitive process. However, some medicines may help lessen symptoms or stop their progression.
How are video games replacing medicines?
Older adults suffering from mental illness (Alzheimer’s disease or dementia) may soon be able to swap their medication for video games. The Neuroscape brain research center at the University of California at San Francisco and Alkili Interactive Lab have been conducting trials to pursue this mission.

How long does it take for video games to affect your brain?
Playing virtual reality games for 30 minutes improves their selection ability, spatial orientation, strategic painting and memory formation. According to the latest research, Super Mario 64 is the best video game to decrease Alzheimer’s disease symptoms. This game involves knowing the difference between green and red turtle shells. Another study of 45 adults shows playing violent video games for 30 minutes decreased the functioning of the prefrontal region in the brain as compared to people who are involved in non-violent video games.
Can video games affect the brain negatively?
Spending too much time on video games can be problematic. It can create negative emotions, loneliness, maladaptive coping strategies, low self-esteem and negative affectivity. However, the study finds that limiting to 2-4 hours of video gaming per day can be beneficial for mental health.